June 17, 2006 - Owyhee Reservoir, Idaho

Standing with Pete and his son Pierce.  Pete's son Kyle is on the far right.
I took Pete flying in the morning.  First we made the obligatory flight over his house in Eagle.  You can see what a nice neighborhood he lives in.  Lots of water and green.  Not exactly how one imagines Idaho if they've never been there.
Then we headed west towards Owyhee Reservoir, which is a favorite destination for local pilots, plus where Pete's favorite fishing spot is located.  As is so often the case, these images don't do the scenary justice.
Approaching the center of the reservoir which is thin but long and stretches north to south.
You are now free to move about the cabin!  Pete is clearly enjoying the flight.
Another great day for flying.
That little white line in the center of the image is a dirt strip called Owyhee Reservoir State airport.
There are no facilities but there are a couple of planes down there.  I guess people just fly in and do a little fishing.
Looking north up the reservoir.
Pete and I looked for a road to these houses but didn't see any.  I guess they bring everything in by boat.
The dam at the northern end.
Pete's favorite fishing spot is somewhere along this river north of the dam.
The Idaho Valley up ahead.
Looking back from whence we came.  You could do some serious canyon flying in there.  But not the first time you've seen it.
Pete looks a little more than happy to be safely on the ground!  He liked the flight, but thinks he'll stick to fly-fishing.